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Writer's pictureShawn Reed

Detroit is Charging Landlords Big Money for Rentals. Find out how to avoid them....

The City of Detroit is finally starting to enforce a law they've had on the books since 2010.  In fact they've got an entire task force and they're out to get landlords who aren't complying. To make matters worse tenants are now catching on to the game and some are choosing not to pay rent.

It's called the "rental registration act". To find out more go to the city of Detroit website. The first fine is $500 and the second jumps to $1,000 then $2,000 and before you know it if you ignore it they will issue a bench warrant for your arrest. Part of the registration process is you have to have a lead based paint inspection and risk assessment. Pre Closing Inspection is licensed by the State of Michigan to help you in this area. Call us and we can walk you through the process and help you bring your property into compliance. 

This isn't a complicated process is actually quite simple. Let our office assist you in the process to make it painless and insulate you from the headache of having to deal with the red tape. Call us today at 313.920.3276

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