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Pre Closing Inspection

Checklist for Passing Lead Inspection and Risk Assessment with FLYING COLORS!

Checklist for Passing Detroit Rental Registration Lead Hazard Inspection & Risk Assessment

Got Lead? If your rental property was built before 1979 you need to call Pre Closing Inspection today for Rental Registration Lead Hazard Inspection

Got Lead? If your house was built before 1979 chances are you do. What you need to know to pass the inspection and get your Lead Paint Clearance. Get it right the first time. Inside tips from Licensed Lead Paint Inspector Pre Closing Inspection - 313.920.3276 Call Us for Special Pricing Today.

Almost all of the houses in Cities like Detroit, Pontiac and Redford are old housing stock built way before 1979. Detroit officials have a task force and they're on the hunt for landlords who haven't properly registered their rental properties. The registration process requires you to get your property inspected for lead based paint. So here are some inside tips on what you need to know so you can pass the inspection the first time and get your rental registration compliance certificate from the City of Detroit. Pre Closing Inspection has licensed Lead Hazard Inspectors here to help you so here are some tips from our Chief Inspector Shawn Reed- First and foremost, no one expects the house to be Lead Paint Free. Given the age of the house that would be an extremely expensive task. However, some of the things you need to know so you can pass the inspection and make your rental property in Detroit "Lead Safe": 1. Make sure you don't have any chipping or peeling paint. If you do get a qualified painter to stabilize the surface and make sure you don't just paint over cracking or peeling paint. Lead Inspectors are looking for unstable painted surfaces, so any chipping paint presents a potential hazard if it turns out to test positive for Lead. 2. Check your window troughs, also referred to as widow wells. This is the area where the lower half of the window slams down and locks into place. These areas are notorious for harboring lead based paint particles because they often get skipped over when the subject property is painted. Usually vinyl windows come back fine, it's the old wood windows that will cause you to fail. If you've got cracking or peeling paint find a qualified professional to stabilize these surfaces if you need to. If you don't have any unstable paint but you've got dust, grab the shop vac and suck all that dust out of there, then using hot water and soap wash the windows wells down. Make them spotless. You'll thank me for it later. 3. Floors- wash the floors with hot water and soap before the inspector arrives. Part of the inspection process requires the inspector to sample a 12"x12" section in each room and hallway throughout the entire home. There's no telling where the inspector may sample from so be prepared and make sure the floors are clean. This helps to cut down on any dust wipe samples coming back positive. Especially tile or hardwood floors. If you've got carpet this usually isn't an issue. 4. Door jambs at the front, side and back door entrances. For some reason these always get looked over in what we call the paint history. Look these areas over very carefully from top to bottom and if you find chipping and peeling paint, make sure it's not there when the inspector arrives. These are just a few pointers and we've got plenty more. Call us today and throw some questions at us, we're here to help you. A Special Note to Landlords; we understand the math behind what you're trying to do and what you're up against. Property taxes are around $3,000 per year, insurance is another $1,000 to $1,400 per year, that new carpet you had to install along with the furnace repairs another $1,000 to $2,000 plus you had to pay an attorney on that last tenant and you're only getting about $750 per month in rent. The expenses go on and on, and now you've got to pay the City of Detroit fees for inspections plus the fee for the lead hazard inspection and risk assessment. You're lucky if you clear a couple thousand off the house this year. We get it and Pre Closing Inspection is willing to work with you to get you through to the finish line. So call us at 313.920.3276 or go to to get a FREE quote.

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